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Gladiator II (GLAD2) 150000 188.83 (-1.24)          Gladiator II (GLAD2) 150000 188.83 (-1.24)          Grendel (GREND) 25000 20.79 (+0.79)          Avengers: Doomsday (AVNG5) 20000 439.99 (+0.19)          Gundam (GUNDM) 100000 6.07 (+4.56)          Gladiator II (GLAD2) 150000 188.83 (-1.24)          Grendel (GREND) 150000 20.79 (+0.79)          Blade (BLAD1) 30000 81.01 (+3.32)          Smile 2 (SMIL2) 50000 60.03 (+0.22)          The Running Man (TRUNM) 150000 62.65 (+0.84)          Grendel (GREND) 150000 20.79 (+0.79)          Top Gun 3 (TOPG3) 12500 242.39 (-0.92)          Grendel (GREND) 150000 20.79 (+0.79)          Masters of the Universe (HEMAN) 10000 57.61 (+0.35)          Masters of the Universe (HEMAN) 100000 57.61 (+0.35)          Blood on Snow (BLOSN) 49999 26.87 (-0.19)          The Smashing Machine (SMACH) 49999 15.22 (-0.08)          Absolution (THUG) 150000 2.72 (-0.11)          Den of Thieves 2: Pantera (DENO2) 100000 24.66 (+0.15)          Absolution (THUG) 150000 2.72 (-0.11)          Mission: Impossible 8 (MISS8) 10000 152.54 (-0.43)          The Map that Leads to You (TMTLY) 50000 17.23 (+0.58)          The Map that Leads to You (TMTLY) 150000 17.23 (+0.58)          Grendel (GREND) 85000 20.79 (+0.79)          Song Sung Blues (SSBLU) 50000 19.84 (-0.54)          Song Sung Blues (SSBLU) 150000 19.84 (-0.54)          Werewolves (WEREW) 55000 24.39 (-0.10)          Super Toys (SPTOY) 100000 15.08 (+0.14)          Spinal Tap II (STAP2) 49999 20.00 (-0.11)          Look Who's Talking (LWTLK) 49999 4.00 (+0.03)          Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow (SUPGR) 50000 75.78 (+0.89)          Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow (SUPGR) 150000 75.78 (+0.89)          Aaron Sorkin (ASORK) 1000 19.91 (+0.10)          The Drama (TDRAM) 50000 20.38 (+1.25)          The Drama (TDRAM) 1 20.38 (+1.25)          Gundam (GUNDM) 150000 6.07 (+4.56)          Gundam (GUNDM) 150000 6.07 (+4.56)          Gundam (GUNDM) 10000 6.07 (+4.56)          Blade (BLAD1) 150000 81.01 (+3.32)          Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow (SUPGR) 150000 75.78 (+0.89)          Voltron (VOLTN) 6 66.20 (+0.36)          Zatanna (ZATAN) 3 8.15 (+0.02)          The Legend of Zelda (ZELDA) 3 118.96 (-0.11)          Zatanna (ZATAN) 3 8.15 (+0.02)          Here - Opening Weekend (HERE1.OW) 100000 14.10 (-0.18)          The Legend of Zelda (ZELDA) 3 118.96 (-0.11)          The Legend of Zelda (ZELDA) 3 118.96 (-0.11)          Here H$20 Call (HERE1.CA) 25000 0.19 (+0.08)          New York Will Eat You Alive aka (ZMBRO) 1200 1.46 (-0.03)          Here - Opening Weekend (HERE1.OW) 100000 14.10 (-0.18)